Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Malcolm Xs Life and Accomplishments - 628 Words
Malcolm X, Born name Malcolm Little, was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925. His mother was Louise Norton, which had eight children including Malcolm. His father’s name was Earl Little, who was a Baptist preacher and strong supporter of the Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. Before Malcolm’s fourth birthday, the family was forced twice to relocate due to death threats from the white supremacist organization, Black Legion. Despite their efforts to get away from them in 1929, the Legion burned their home down to ashes. After two years, Earl was killed and found laying on the trolley tracks in the town. The police ruled these events as accidents, the Little family was sure that the Black Legion were the people responsible for killing their father and husband. After this, Louise was put into a mental institution because of her emotional breakdown years after the death of her husband. Growing up, Malcolm was a smart and focused student. He lost his interest in studies from school, when his favorite junior high teacher told him that trying to become a lawyer was â€Å"not a realistic life goal for a nigger†. He later dropped out of school and spent time in Boston, MA, and Harlem, New York. He worked odd jobs and committed petty crimes. Malcolm began putting together multiple narcotics, prostitution, and gambling rings. Later in life when he was determined for striving for greatness, he said, â€Å"early in life, I had learned that if you want something, you had better make someShow MoreRelatedMalcolm Xs Life and Accomplishments1407 Words  | 6 Pages Malcolm X was an African American minister and civil rights leader. Unlike many activists of his time, he took a different approach on the movement. In his lifetime, from 1925 to 1965, he was known as an advocate for the rights of blacks, and has been named one of the greatest and most influential men in hi story. Early Life Malcolm was born on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska to Louise and Earl Little. His Father, Earl, was a Baptist minister and an active member of the Universal Negro ImprovementRead MoreThe Death Before Disunity : Malcolm X, Civil Rights Activist And Muslim Leader1173 Words  | 5 PagesDeath before Disunity Malcolm X, Civil Rights activist and Muslim leader, was an advocate of unity by all means necessary. Throughout history, people have often pondered what X intended to obtain before his tragic death at the hands of Talmadge Hayer, Norman 3X Butler, and Thomas 15X Johnson (â€Å"Biography†). Several people downplay X’s achievements in comparison to the accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Majority of activists such as Mohandas Gandhi, Rosa Parks, and Cesar Chavez are notoriousRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Civil Rights Movement1624 Words  | 7 Pagespolitical movements also arose as a result of the assassinations of some of the most influential leaders in America. Malcolm X changed the way Americans viewed oppression and discrimination of African Americans. The movie Malcolm X is an accurate depiction or a product of its time. It showcased many of the problems that lead up to the civil rights movement within the life of Malcolm X as well as what proceeded after he became a prominant civil rights leader.What’s interesting about this movie is thatRead MoreMalcolm X Essay855 Words  | 4 PagesMalcolm X was one of the most prominent and controversial leaders during the civil rights era of the 1950’s and 1960’s. By the early 1960’s he had grown frustrated with the non violent, integrated struggle for civil rights and worried that blacks would ultimately lose control of their own movement. Malcolm X was a key spokesman for the nation of Islam, epitomized the â€Å"Black Power†philosophy. 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In order to understand Malcolm X’s philosophies, one must look back and examine his past, paying attention to key events which led him to become the black nationalist he is known as today. Born in a little town in Omaha Nebraska on May 19, 1935, Malcolm Little, soon to be known as Malcolm X, was born to Louise and Earl Little. His mother was a homemaker while his father was a preacher andRead MoreAnalysis Of Malcolm X By William F. Martin Luther King Jr.975 Words  | 4 Pagesmillions who had never heard it before. His name was Malcolm X. As the title of the book suggests, The Autobiography of Malcolm X tells the life story of Malcolm Little from his childhood in Lancing, Michigan, up to his assassination (told in the epilogue) in 1965. His childhood was rough, his father was killed by a racist mob, and his mother was committed to a mental home when he was young. 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