Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Nature vs Nurture Essay Thesis Example For Students
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Proposal for a Business Incubator Project Coursework
Proposition for a Business Incubator Project - Coursework Example The task is industrially reasonable as a business and will frame establishment for the advancement of new organizations and enterprise. Foundation There is a developing inclination among the youngsters for independent work with plans for future extension through experience and amassed information increased over the timeframe in the business. The underlying costs in setting up the workplace for the business include rental, acquisition of office types of gear and arrangement of office right hand, notwithstanding buying vehicle for transport regarding the business. A significant number of the fantasies and effectively thought out designs for the organizations don't see the light because of absence of seed capital. The business hatchery venture proposed is required to address these issues viably with little speculation with respect to the business person. Business issues and the idea hidden the undertaking The venture means to take care of the issues in raising seed capital for the organ izations by the business people. The organizations at first began by the business visionaries are generally small time appears. The business visionaries need to design their organizations, build up authoritative offices for the organizations and take part in showcasing their items or administrations. The most significant part in the underlying phases of the business is to build up office offices or making a ‘address’ for the business. This is significant since the providers or specialist co-ops, the clients and different organizations need to contact the individuals in business face to face or send dispatches or leave messages. It is additionally required for capacity of materials like drawings, CDs and books associated with the business. Along these lines, a spot with simple access to clients will be helpful in keeping the contacts alive for development in business and for being side by side of the improvements in the business sectors and innovation. Expensive rental, capital speculation required for establishment of offices and working capital required for keeping up the workplace or work place go about as obstacles in new companies in the vast majority of the cases. Hence, if the issues related with this piece of the business are adequately tended to, the business people are allowed to design their different business and advertising exercises without making a fuss over the issues identified with foundation of an office. Answer for the business issues There are a few occupations which require insignificant administrative work however broad going in meeting the clients to clarify about the item or administrations. For instance, CRM programming for a little boutique, clubs or optical items stores keeping in line with the progressions occurring in mechanical front could get up to speed in the market in future. Advanced programming utilized by the huge partnerships will be too expensive to even think about installing in independent companies. This p roduct created by a business person may tackle different issues associated with the information the board identifying with independent companies. The improvement of programming isn't an issue to a product engineer. Be that as it may, promoting of the product needs broad voyaging, exhibition of the item to the planned clients’ needs meeting lobby and the business needs an office to go to the calls of the customers and get the dispatches routed to the business. It is additionally essential to take note of that the workplace ought to be outfitted with offices for correspondence,
Sunday, August 2, 2020
How to Write a Career-Winning or Award-Winning Executive Resume
How to Write a Career-Winning or Award-Winning Executive Resume As the owner of an executive resume writing company, I am extremely proud to have four writers on my team, including myself, who have won coveted TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) awards for their Executive Resume, Finance Resume, International Resume, Sales Resume, and New Graduate Resume entries. On February 9th, Laura DeCarlo, President of Career Directors International, author of Resumes for Dummies, and my personal resume writing and business mentor, presented a teleseminar on how to win these competitive awards. While her presentation was targeted toward resume writers and executive resume writers who wish to compete for TORI awards, some of the points she raised apply to any executive or job seeker creating a career-winning resume. Here are some of the points to keep in mind if you want to write a resume or executive resume that rivals the TORI winners from this past year: 1. Create a compelling format. First of all, know your industry and adjust accordingly. For instance, you can take more creative license as a marketing or sales executive than you can as an insurance or finance executive. Once you determine your industry’s comfort level with design, as well as your own, create something that “pops†while not going overboard. You don’t need fancy graphics programs to design a great looking resume. You might be surprised by how much you can do with Word! For instance, use edge-to-edge design, different backgrounds (with discretion), color saturation variations, etc. Include a little smart art if appropriate â€" it’s all in Word â€" or create a chart in Excel and paste that into your resume. Include plenty of white space, as text-dense resumes are not well-received. Print it out before sending â€" and run it by some colleagues in your industry for their opinion. 2. Watch your language! Use smart word choices, dynamic and varied verbs, and good sentence structure. No misspellings or run-on sentences please! Many hiring managers will dismiss a resume out of hand for a single grammatical error. And if they start getting bored because you started every bullet with the verb “led†or “managed,†you could lose them fast. 3. Deliver “power and punch.†Keep the reader engaged. Pack your executive resume with measurable achievements â€" metrics and concrete/tangible results. Also, deliver a clear description of the scope of your responsibilities. Share your CAR (Challenge/Action/Result), PAR (Problem/Action/Result) or STAR (Situation/Task/Action/Result) stories that show how you have tackle challenges and what results you have created. These accomplishments will demonstrate what you’re capable of creating for your next company. 4. Convey your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Tell us what makes you stand out as opposed to anyone else applying for this position. Do this in the first few lines of your resume! Don’t be scared of selling yourself by dropping names and numbers directly into your resume summary. Make yourself shine! 5. Put yourself in the employee’s shoes. Imagine yourself reading your resume as your future employer. What would you be looking for? Would you hire you? As someone reading a resume, you would of course want to see some of the keywords that are essential to the position. That’s just the basics. Once that threshold is past, is this resume enjoyable to read? Do you have to squint to read it? Are you bored? Do you really get who this person is and the difference they could make for your company? Be rigorous in asking â€" and answering â€" these questions. 6. Do your homework. As the time to write your new resume approaches, start looking for formats and content that you like. When you come across something that impresses you, put it in a file on your computer. You can use this file whether you create your own resume or hire someone to do it. At The Essay Expert, we will always be happy to create the type of format you like. I believe any good resume writing company will do that, while steering you gently in the right direction. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, get some good books on resume writing or executive resume writing. I recommend my e-books, How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume, as well as Laura DeCarlo’s Resumes for Dummies. Overall, your resume or executive resume requires high-level storytelling that knocks the reader’s socks off with both an appealing format and impressive language. I can’t tell you how many of my clients come back to me and tell me they’ve received feedback from employers that “this is the best resume [they’ve] ever seen.†That means you have done something no one has ever done before. That’s what’s required to win a TORI award, and that’s what can get you your dream job. Want to view this year’s TORI Award-Winning masterpieces? Click here. TORI Award Categories are as follows: Best Accounting Finance Resume Best Executive Resume Best Healthcare/Medical Resume Best Hospitality Resume Best Information Technology Resume Best International Resume Best New Graduate Resume Best Sales Resume Save
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Racial and Ethnic Groups - 949 Words
Racial and Ethnic Groups Michelle Winner ETH 125 October 23, 2010 NIKIYA SPENCE Racial and Ethnic Groups There are three sociological perspectives of race and ethnicity which are functionalist, conflict, and labeling perspectives. The first one I will discuss is the functionalist perspective. The functionalist perspective emphasizes how the parts of society are structured to maintain its stability. As also described in the reading the functionalist approach is an approach, if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society’s stability or survival, it will not be passed on from one generation to the next. The functionalist perspective thinks that racial hostility is hard to be admired but the functionalist would point†¦show more content†¦As described it was the movement of 2 million African American out of the Southern United States to the Midwest, Northeast, and West from 1910 to 1930. They migrated to escape racism and seek employment opportunities in industrial cities. When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863 less than eight percent of the African American population lived in the northeastern or Midwestern U.S. As described, â€Å"Between 1910 and 1930, the African American population grew by about 40% in Northern states, mostly in the major cities. Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Cleveland had some of the biggest increases in the early part of the century. Because changes were concentrated in cities, urban tensions rose as African Americans and new or recent European immigrants, both groups chiefly from rural societies, competed for jobs and housing with the white ethnic working class. Tensions were often most severe between ethnic Irish, defending their positions, and recent immigrants and blacks.†â€Å"African Americans moved as individuals or small family groups. There was no government assistance, but often northern industries, such as the railroads, meatpacking and stockyards, recruited people. The primary factor for migration was the racial climate and widespread violence of lynching in the South. In the North, they could find better schools and adult men could vote (joined by women after 1920). Burgeoning industries meant there were jobShow MoreRelatedRacial And Ethnic Group Interactions949 Words  | 4 PagesRacial and ethnic group interactions occur daily in the world; in Miami, however one can learn from the interactions between different ethnic and racial groups in a workplace setting. Mr. Elman adapted his management style of his apparel factory to the needs of his immigrant workers; his style helped reduce ethnic friction and returned his investment in high production levels and loyalty (Stepick, 92). Mr. Elman was successful in getting his employees to willing ly agree to pay a cut, which exemplifiesRead MoreRacial And Ethnic Groups Of Hispanic Adults1164 Words  | 5 Pageshere are the responses to the questions I asked. From being around this group for a long time I know they do not like doctors, and I did not push the issue, my client still is stuffy and coughing and again I am not pushing her I tried my motivational skills and that did not work. They are convinced their concoctions will work for them. According to recent studies where they have found that Latinos are the racial and ethnic group least likely to visit the doctor. More than one-fourth of Latino adultsRead MoreAnti Semitism As A Religious, Ethnic, Or Racial Group1270 Words  | 6 PagesAnti-Semitism is defined as â€Å"hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.†The word was given a definite meaning when Hitler rose to power and became chancellor of Germany in 1933 and made certain decisions about Jews. However, this was not the first time that this term was needed. In 1807, Ezekiel Hart was elected to the legislature of Lower Canada but could not take his seat because of his religious beliefs and because the law recommended that he takeRead MoreHealth Care Quality Among Racial And Ethnic Groups1070 Words  | 5 Pagesimprovements, differences persist in health care quality among racial and ethnic minority groups. (Disparities in Healthcare Quality Among Racial and Ethnic Groups, 2012) According to census data from 2010, African Americans received worse medical care than Whites for 41% of quality measures. They also had worse access to health care for 32% of access measures. Not only are there disparity in the quality of care for some minority groups, but disparities in access to care are common as well, especiallyRead MoreCardiovascular Disease Is The Leading Killer For Both Men And Women Among All Racial And Ethnic Groups1772 Words  | 8 PagesChest Pain Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer for both men and women among all racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. Chest pain is defined as a general term for any dull, aching pain in the thorax, usually referring to that of acute onset, which is often regarded as being myocardial in origin unless proven otherwise (McGraw-Hill n.d.). Chest pain is a warning to seek medical attention and can be caused by many reasons. The subjective complaint of chest pain can vary depending on theRead MoreWhy Are the Students so Unwilling to Associate with Anyone Outside Their Ethnic/Racial Groups? Where Those This Intolerance Come from?3025 Words  | 13 Pages1.In The Cask of Amontillado, what does the narrators attitude toward his servants reveal about his view of humanity? It is clear that this is another key indication of the kind of character that Montresor is as a narrator. The fact that he has deliberately organised for his home to be empty when he brings Fortunato home speaks of the way in which he is a calculated killer and has deliberately planned to have Fortunato murdered. However, note what he says about his servants and how he achievesRead MoreRace Construction Essay1335 Words  | 6 PagesEthnology Draft Racial constructions in the United States beyond white and black Race construction in the United States has been socially constructed since the founding of the republic. Racial differences and the development of various ethnic identities have been affected by the rigidity of racial categories in the United States, these include American Indian or Alaskan Native, black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Asian Pacific Islander, and white. The racial divide in the UnitedRead MoreEthnic Identity And Racial Identity866 Words  | 4 PagesEthnic identity remains one of the most extensively studied topics in the social sciences. The book â€Å"Studying Ethnic Identity†provides insight into the dynamic process that goes into the formation of ethnic-racial identity by psychological researchers. Ethnic and racial identity is a subject that is important to study because it has been associated with positive well-being, psychological distress, and academic attitudes (Rivas-Drake, Syed, et al, 2014; Smith Silva, 2011). Past research has triedRead MoreImportance Of Race Ethnicity : An Exploration Of Asian, Black, Latino, And Multiracial Adolescent Identity Essay1047 Words  | 5 PagesMultiracial adolescent identity. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(2), 144-151. doi: 10.1037/a0018668 (a) Contextual information about the purpose/intention of this study: Throughout the history of United States, race has been one of the biggest problems, despite the fact that everyone that lives within United States is a descendent of an immigrant. As a result, researchers have been doing studies for decades on racial-ethnic identities, to understand how race and ethnicity is understoodRead MoreA Brief Note On Racial And Ethnic Inequality1656 Words  | 7 PagesRubio Professor Alvarez Sociology 180 March 16, 2016 Racial and Ethnic Inequality What is racial and ethnic inequality? To understand racial and ethnic inequality you must understand what is considered race and what is considered ethnicity. According to our textbook, â€Å"Race can be defined as a group or population that shares a set of genetic characteristics and physical features†meanwhile ethnic groups â€Å"are set off to some degree from other groups by displaying a unique set of cultural traits, such
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sports Management - 1026 Words
SPORTS AND games have been a part of human civilization from times immemorial. Sports and games provide a wonderful opportunity for holistic development of our body and mind. It inculcates a spirit of healthy competition and a true sense of patriotism within us. With the passage of time a lot of changes have taken place in the sporting world. In the beginning of the 21st century it is clearly evident that a huge amount of money, glamour, name, fame, media exposure and fan following has become an integral part of today s competitive sports. Sports Management is the study of planning, supervising and organizing various sporting activities like international and domestic tournaments for cricket, football, hockey, golf, and several other†¦show more content†¦As a sports agent or manager, you will have to keep a track of your clients schedules, look after activities such as their career progression, business promotion and even media and public relations. Administrative affairs such as budgeting, finance and other logistics have to be taken care of, often. Sports administrators: Many private and government-sponsored sports institutions employ qualified officials to manage their work at various levels. Most of these officials, particularly the senior ones, usually are sports teachers, coaches who have experience in managing sports activities. Therefore, as a sports administrator, your basic responsibility would be the planning and management of sports activities and events, from time to time. Leisure and sport-club management: Today, all clubs, hotels and resorts boast of sports facilities and leisure centres. The work here would require you to handle administrative work, including that of managing accounts, planning, preparing schedules and timetables, and arranging for specialized coaches as per the requirement. Eligibility for sports management courses at post graduate level: You can take up any course of study at graduation level to be eligible for the sports management postgraduate diploma course. You could go in for a Bachelor s in Physical Education (BP Ed) or related course in the particular sports of your liking. The Sports Authority of India conducts courses in physical education that youShow MoreRelatedSports Management : Sport Management816 Words  | 4 Pages Sport management Did you know that there is more to sports teams than just scoring goals, touchdowns and runs? Sport management is a field concerning the business and education part of sports and recreation. It includes the front office system in professional sports, college sports, and recreation. Some examples of sport managers are: recreational sport managers, sport marketing, event management, facility management, sport economics, sport finance and sport information. Sport management canRead MoreThe Evolution Of Sport Management1486 Words  | 6 PagesThe evolution of sport management Comparatively, the field of sport management is a rather new academic discipline (Chalip, 2006), which has faced some challenges in terms of justifying its importance in the academic world. Nonetheless, Chalip (2006) believes it was an unavoidable course for the evolution of sport management. Mullin (1980) defined the sport manager as follows: ‘A person whose job entails planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling to be performed within the contextRead MoreThe Field Of Sport Management1217 Words  | 5 PagesComparatively, the field of sport management is a rather new academic discipline (Chalip, 2006), which has faced some challenges in terms of justifying its prominence in the academic world. Nonetheless, Chalip (2006) believes it was an unavoidable course for the evolution of sport management. Mullin (1980) defined the sport manager as follows: ‘A person whose job entails planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling to be performed within the context of an organisation whose primary productRead MoreSports : Sports Business Management Essay1300 Words  | 6 PagesUCF Sports Business Management Masters In order to be successful in sports business, one must be able to relate to the complex relationship between profitability and maintaining relationships. Having relevant experience and and education of these issues in sports is paramount to finding this success. This includes work with the community and other extracurricular activities that help one understand what it takes to be a successful sports professional. I will outline the experience, educations, andRead MoreSports Management : A Wide Array Of Job Opportunities And Possibilities1014 Words  | 5 PagesA Sports Management Degree offers a wide array of job opportunities and possibilities. Sports management careers are popular due to the passion many people have for athletics and it allows non-athletes to work within the sport field. One aspect to note is that there are 3 main segments within this field. These include; sports performance, production, and promotion. Each offer unique opportunities in the athletics field. A pe rformance career would be a Recreation Worker, a production career wouldRead MoreSports Management : A Broad Industry863 Words  | 4 Pages1.1 Career Interests Sport management is a broad industry that offers many different opportunities in different aspects of the industry. My personal interests deal more with the business aspect of sport, specifically the financial aspect of the industry. The economics of sports is what interests me the most. How sport organizations earn their revenue, how the salaries of players and coaches play a role, the revenue earned by the sporting venues, and how do organizations handle their costs are allRead MoreThe Future For Sport Management833 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The future for sport management in Australia appears prosperous. Over the years, Australia has managed to develop an international reputation for sporting excellence through its national team performances and the expansion of its sports systems (Daly, 1991; ASC, 1998; Shilbury Kellett, 2011). The country has managed to host some of the greatest sporting events, notably the Olympic games, the Rugby World Cup, the Cricket World Cup, with aspirations to bring the Football (soccer) WorldRead MoreEssay about Sports Management814 Words  | 4 PagesSports Management Someone once said, There are those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. I consider myself one of those rare people who really knows how to make things happen. I have gone from being a follower to being a leader, from being someone who was shy and uncertain to a person who is self-confident and assertive. It has been a remarkable metamorphosis, and it has changed my future professional plans and personal goals. TheRead MoreThe Career of Sports Management Essay743 Words  | 3 Pagesactually participating in the sport?†Well, there are certain professions that give you those incredible opportunities if you are not able to be a player or a coach. Sports management allows you to take part in worldwide sporting events on the business end. Sports management dates back to the beginning of sports but it was not really organized. In the 1960’s, a man by the name of Dr. James G. Mason started academic programs that allow people to partake in sports management. After 1966, when Dr. MasonRead MoreDoping in Sports and the Current Issues for Management757 Words  | 3 Pagessubstance. (Mark McGwire) Doping in Sport and the current issues and challenges for sport management, how did it all start and what now? Sports in the world have been generating billions and billions of dollars for years. This money comes from sponsorships, media rights, and legal gambling. All of a sudden, out of know where several sports have been destroyed by doping. Doping has questioned the integrity of most sports on a global scale. A combination of sports businesses and the federal government
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay Free Essays
Roald Dahl is an imaginative writer and does create vivid images in the readers mind. i do agree with this statement. Roald Dahl has used many narrative techniques such as imagery, vocabulary and humours illustrations. We will write a custom essay sample on Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Georges Marvellous Medicine should be read by all students, because of all the techniques and key features used. Georges Marvellous Medicine is a story about a young boy who’s tempted to do â€Å"something†about his so called â€Å"grandmother†, and by something he means searching around the house collecting all kinds of horrible ingredients that will make grandma disappear, but instead, of disappearing she gets bigger !. The story affects on themes such as groth, family, good people, bad people, understanding people jealousy and greed. An important theme is good people because, being evil / bad, doesn’t pay out later, what goes around comes around an example would be grandma to George. Roald Dahl was the best storyteller in the 20thcentury. He used fantastic plots that matched by the extraordinary events in his life. He played with the vocabulary, and invented his own words. Roald Dahl stories have brought delight to millions of people. He was born in Llandaff, Wales on September 13th 1916. His parents were Norwegian and he was the only son of a second marriage. His father Harald and his elder sister Astri died when Roald was only three. He remembered his mother as â€Å"a rock, a real rock, always on your side whatever you’d done. Roald Dahl died on the 23rd of November 1990. An interesting narrative technique Roald Dahl used to make his stories entertaining and creative were his own words / vocabulary. An example of them would be: Squigglers, jacky jumpers, heigh – nonny- no and spissing. These words present imagery which makes all Roald Dahl’s stories imaginative and entertaining. Italics is also another narrative technique style Roald Dahl used to emphasise a word. An example of an italic would be: No wonder, good. He slants these words, to make their voices have expression, for example, sarcasm. No wonder : Obviously he had left something out of the medicine. The illustrations by Quentin Blake are another narrative technique, used by Roald Dahl in his novel, Georges Marvellous Medicine. The illustrations help the reader to picture the key events and storyline. These illustrations are quick sketches, in black ink which support the fast rate in the storyline. An example would be, when Grandma hops out of her chair once George hands her the medicine. This book cover Georges Marvellous Medicine created and designed by Quentin Blake is effective as a visual text as it illustrates the key ideas in the novel. This book cover aims to target at children promoting a light and comical storyline and themes. For example, the childish font in the cream coloured box has forms of abstract and vector lines which would attract children’s attention. The large saucepan is a salience image because of the size of the pan. It makes you wonder the many ingredients put into it and the power of this potion. The ladle on which George is holding, guides the viewers eyes around the book cover. This is a form of vector lines. In conclusion, Roald Dahl is an imaginative writer and does create vivid images in the readers mind. Roald Dahl’s novel Georges Marvellous Medicine is an entertaining and imaginative novel with its made up vocabulary and humorous illustrations. Quentin Blake, the creative illustrator of this novel. is one of the finest illustrators in children’s literature. His illustrations are original and easy to follow. Once again, Georges Marvellous Medicine, by Roald Dahl is an entertaining novel and should be read by all students because of all the key features used. The moral / coda of the book Georges Marvellous Medicine, is that grandma had learnt her lesson for being so cruel and wicked to George, as they say, what goes around comes around. How to cite Georges Marvellous Medicine Essay, Essays
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Pharmacy Tech free essay sample
Answer the following 30 questions by highlighting the correct answer for each question. 1. Calculate the flow rate in drops per minute if a physician orders D5W/NS 1400 ml over 12 hr using an administration set that delivers 40 gtt/ml. a. 87 gtt/min b. 68 gtt/min c. 117 gtt/min d. 78 gtt/min 2. The drug enalapril would be categorized into which of the following classification groups? a. beta-blocker b. ACE inhibitor c. NSAID d. antiemetic 3. The retail price of a prescription is based on average wholesale price (AWP) plus a dispensing fee. Using the following fee table, calculate the retail price of a prescription for 30 tablets if a bottle of 100 tablets has an AWP of $76. 78. AWP| DISPENSING FEE| $0-$5. 00| $4. 75| $5. 01-$10. 00| $5. 75| $10. 01 $20. 00| $6. 75| $20. 00 and up| $7. 75| a. $13. 72 b. $23. 03 c. $30. 78 d. $32. 91 4. Of the following prescription drugs, which cannot be prescribed with refills? a. nifedipine b. lorazepam c. methylphenidate d. hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5. A technician answers the phone and the patient calling states that, after aking a medication she received from the pharmacy a few hours earlier, she is not feeling well and would like to know the side effects of the medication. We will write a custom essay sample on Pharmacy Tech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The technician should: a. tell the patient the side effects of the medication, since they are commonly known to all pharmacy personnel. b. put the patient on hold and notify the pharmacist of the situation. c. ask the patient to hold while he looks up the side effects in a reference book. d. tell the patient to lie down and maybe the side effects will wear off soon 6. Diphenhydramine is the generic name for which of these drugs? . Benadryl b. Dramamine c. Bentyl d. Soma 7. A local dermatologist has special-ordered 60 g of 1. 5% hydrocortisone cream for a patient. The pharmacy has in stock a 2. 5% hydrocortisone cream and a 1% hydrocortisone cream. How much of each will the technician need to prepare this compound correctly? a. 40 g of 2. 5% and 20 g of 1% b. 40 g of 1% and 20 g of 2. 5% c. 30 g of each strength d. 45 g of 1% and 15 g of 2. 5% 8. Who must initiate an order for an investigational drug for patient use? a. a pharmacy director b. a pharmacist c. a technician d. a physician 9. How many 500-mg metronidazole tablets will be needed to compound 150 ml of 3% metronidazole suspension? a. 7 b. 9 c. 10 d. 18 10. A medication given to reduce a fever is called: a. an analgesic b. an antitussive c. an anthelmintic d. an antipyretic 11. Medications that are prepackaged into unit-dose or unit-of-use containers must have the following information included on the package labeling: a. patients name, dispensing date, name of medication, and directions for use b. medication name and strength, lot number, and expiration date c. medication name and strength, lot number, and directions for use d. irections for use, medication name and strength, and expiration date 12. A patient brings the following prescription into your pharmacy: Amoxil400 mg po tid for 10 days. Your pharmacy has in stock an Amoxil oral suspension 250 mg/5 ml. What is the exact volume of medication you will need to correctly and completely fill the prescription for the patient? a. 150 ml b. 168 ml c. 240 ml d. 200 ml 13. When mixing cytotoxic agents for intravenous use, what type of syringe is required? a. glass b. Luer-Loc c. slip-tip d. reusable 14. To what class of controlled substances does Lortab belong? Inventory turnover rate refers to: a. how often employees quit and new employees are hired to replace them b. how long it takes the pharmacy to process a new prescription c. how many times a year shelves are inspected for expired medications d. how often medications are used and reordered 16. The portion of the retail price of a prescription that the patient must pay is known as the: a. deductible b. co-payment c. average wholesale price d. none of the above.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Argument Structure in English Grammar
Argument Structure in English Grammar The word argument in linguistics does not have the same meaning as that word in common usage. When used in relation to grammar and writing, an argument is any expression or syntactic element in a sentence that serves to complete the meaning of the verb. In other words, it expands on whats being expressed by the verb and is not a term that implies controversy, as common usage does. Read about the more traditional sense of argument as a rhetorical term here. In English, a verb typically requires from one to three arguments. The number of arguments required by a verb is the valency of that verb. In addition to the predicate and its arguments, a sentence may contain optional elements called adjuncts. According to Kenneth L. Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser in 2002s Prolegomenon to a Theory of Argument Structure, argument structure is determined by properties of lexical items, in particular, by the syntactic configurations in which they must appear. Examples and Observations on Argument Structure Verbs are the glue that holds clauses together. As elements that encode events, verbs are associated with a core set of ​semantic participants that take part in the event. Some of a verbs semantic participants, although not necessarily all, are mapped to roles that are syntactically relevant in the clause, such as subject or direct object; these are the arguments of the verb. For example, in John kicked the ball, John and the ball are semantic participants of the verb kick, and they are also its core syntactic arguments - the subject and the direct object, respectively. Another semantic participant, foot, is also understood, but it is not an argument; rather, it is incorporated directly into the meaning of the verb. The array of participants associated with verbs and other predicates, and how these participants are mapped to syntax, are the focus of the study of argument structure. -  Melissa Bowerman and Penelope Brown, Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Argument Structure: Implications for Learnability (2008) Arguments in Construction GrammarEach part of a complex construction has a relation to some other part of the construction in construction grammar. The relations between parts of a construction are all cast in terms of predicate-argument relations. For example, in Heather sings, Heather is the argument and sings is the predicate. The predicate-argument relation is symbolic, that is, both syntactic and semantic. Semantically a predicate is relational, that is, inherently relates to one or more additional concepts. In Heather sings, singing inherently involves a singer. The semantic arguments of a predicate are the concepts to which the predicate relates, in this case, Heather. Syntactically, a predicate requires a certain number of arguments in specific grammatical functions to it: sing requires an argument in the subject grammatical function. And syntactically, arguments are related to the predicate by a grammatical function: in this case, Heather is the subject of sings. -  Willi am Croft and D. Alan Cruse, Cognitive Linguistics (2004) ExceptionsNote the unusual behavior of the verb rain, which neither requires nor permits any arguments at all, except for the dummy subject it, as in Its raining. This verb arguably has a valency of zero. -  R.K. Trask, Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts  (2007)Conflicts Between Constructional Meaning and Lexical MeaningIn cognitive linguistics, it is generally assumed that grammatical constructions are carriers of meaning independent of the lexical items they contain. The lexical items used in a construction, especially the meanings of the verb and its argument structure, have to be fitted into the construction frame, but there are cases where a conflict between constructional meaning and lexical meaning arises. Two interpretive strategies emerge in such cases: Either the utterance is rejected as uninterpretable (semantically anomalous) or the semantic and/or syntactic conflict is resolved by a meaning shift or coercion. In general, the construction imposes its m eaning on the verb meaning. For example, the ditransitive construction in English exemplified in Mary gave Bill the ball is in semantic and syntactic conflict with the syntax and meaning of the ditransitive construction. The resolution of this conflict consists in a semantic shift: the basically transitive verb kick is construed ditransitively and coerced into the interpretation cause to receive by means of hitting with the foot. This meaning shift is possible because there are an independently motivated conceptual metonymy means of action for action that makes the intended interpretation available to the hearer even if he or she has never before encountered the use of kick in the ditransitive construction. Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda L. Thornburg, The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (2007)
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Titillating Types of Sound Effects in Language
Titillating Types of Sound Effects in Language Its a basic principle of modern language studies that individual sounds (or phonemes) dont possess meanings. Linguistics professor Edward Finegan offers a simple illustration of the point: The three sounds of top dont individually have meaning; they form a meaningful unit only when combined as in top. And its precisely because the individual sounds in top dont carry independent meaning that they can be formed into other combinations with other meanings, such as pot, opt, topped, and popped.(Language: Its Structure and Use, 5th ed. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008) Yet this principle has an escape clause of sorts, one that goes by the name of sound symbolism (or phonaesthetics). While individual sounds may not possess intrinsic meanings, certain sounds do seem to suggest certain meanings. In his Little Book of Language (2010), David Crystal demonstrates the phenomenon of sound symbolism: Its interesting how some names sound good and some sound bad. Names with soft consonants such as [m], [n], and [l] tend to sound nicer than names with hard consonants such as [k] and [g]. Imagine were approaching a planet, where two alien races live. One of the races is called the Lamonians. The other is called the Grataks. Which sounds like the friendlier race? Most people opt for the Lamonians, because the name sounds friendlier. Grataks sound nasty. In fact, sound symbolism (also called phonosemantics) is one of the ways in which new words are fashioned and added to the language. (Consider frak, the all-purpose swear word coined by the writers of the Battlestar Galactica TV series.) Of course, poets, rhetoricians, and marketers have long been aware of the effects created by particular sounds, and in our glossary youll find numerous overlapping terms that refer to specific arrangements of phonemes. Some of these terms you learned in school; others are probably less familiar. Give a listen to these linguistic sound effects (an example, by the way, of both alliteration and assonance). For more detailed explanations, follow the links. Alliteration The repetition of an initial consonant sound, as in the old slogan of Country Life butter: Youll never put a better bit of butter on your knife. Assonance The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds in neighboring words, as in the repetition of the short i sound in this couplet from the late rapper Big Pun: Dead in the middle of little Italy little did we knowThat we riddled a middle man who didnt do diddly.Twinz (Deep Cover 98), Capital Punishment, 1998 Homoioteleuton Similar sound endings to words, phrases, or sentencessuch as the repeated -nz sound in the advertising slogan Beans Means Heinz. Consonance Broadly, the repetition of consonant sounds; more specifically, the repetition of the final consonant sounds of accented syllables or important words. Homophones Homophones are two (or more) wordssuch as knew and newthat are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and often spelling. (Because peas and peace differ in the voicing of the final consonant, the two words are considered near homophones as opposed to true homophones.) Oronym A sequence of words (for example, the stuff he knows) that sounds the same as a different sequence of words (the stuffy nose). Reduplicative A word or lexeme (such as mama, pooh-pooh, or chit-chat) that contains two identical or very similar parts. Onomatopoeia The use of words (such as hiss, murmuror the Snap, Crackle, and Pop! of Kelloggs Rice Krispies) that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Echo Word A word or phrase (such as buzz and cock a doodle doo) that imitates the sound associated with the object or action it refers to: an onomatope. Interjection A short utterance (such as ah, doh, or yo) that usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone. In writing, an interjection (like Fred Flintstones Yabba dabba do!) is often followed by an exclamation point. To learn more about phonosemantics in the context of a wide variety of modern languages, have a look at the cross-disciplinary essays collected in Sound Symbolism, edited by Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nichols, and John J. Ohala (Cambridge University Press, 2006). The editors introduction, Sound-Symbolic Processes, offers a lucid overview of the different types of sound symbolism and describes some universal tendencies. Meaning and sound can never be fully separated, they conclude, and linguistic theory must accommodate itself to that increasingly obvious fact.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Building of Pyramids of Giza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 45
Building of Pyramids of Giza - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that modified external ramp theory explains that the Pyramid was created with the use of an external ramp. This ramp was believed to be raised during construction. It is believed that the ramp is corkscrewed or spiraled to the top of the Pyramid. That was the only way to explain how an external ramp was used since there was no way a single long ramp was built in the area. Another theory, a more recent theory, was presented by Jeanne-Pierre Houdin (Brier, 2007; George, 2008). He was a French architect who believed that the Pyramid was built using an internal ramp. He explained that the bottom of the Pyramids was built using an external ramp and the higher parts were built using an internal ramp. He proposed this theory after seeing the spiral-like structure within the Pyramid. I believe that the more recent theory of the internal ramp can answer how the Pyramids were built. Although it is possible that humans can haul the heavy stones on to p of each other to build the pyramid, I find it hard to believe that it is only done outside of the Pyramid. There is evidence showing there is a structure within the Pyramid. And there are holes at turning points to help the worker haul the heavy stones up. I find Houdin’s theory more realistic because of the many pieces of evidence that point towards its possibility.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Country Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Country Paper 2 - Essay Example The species in the island have to adapt to the climate for survival. There are a number of endangered species in the present island with different causes for their threat of extension. The most outstanding species that faces extinction in Taiwan is white dolphin. The habitat of the white dolphin is the sea, which is bordering the island. The island has been on the frontline in ensuring the species is protected from extinction. In the recent statistics, white dolphins brought an estimate of 100 (Reeve, 195). Their population has been steadily decreasing sue to the current situations in the sea. The white dolphins are closely associated with the dominant biome in the island as it is their vital survival habitat (Wijnstekers, 123). The white dolphins entirely depend in sea life for survival. In addition to this, the white dolphins do not have any other habitat for their survival, making it a vital structure for their survival. There are a number of conservation techniques used to ensure white dolphins are not extinct. First, the country has initiated a drive, which reduces the pollution of the sea. It has been discovered that the white dolphins are reducing due to the high pollution injected into the habitat (Chen, 18). A reduction of these pollutants will result into a better environment conducive for their survival. Secondly, fines have been imposed to any activity that poses a threat to the habitat. This has reduced the threats that pose a danger to the adored specie. Protecting endangered species is an appropriate activity that guarantees continuity in life of some species (McBeath and Leng, 49). For instance, protection of white dolphins is a plausible activity that guarantees continuity of the species (Reeve, 23). Aversion of such measures would lead to diminishing of such species, as they would be extinct like
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Success Factors for International Students in the UK
Success Factors for International Students in the UK INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS NEED MORE THAN PROFICIENT VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN A BRITISH UNIVERSITY The English language is both a bridge and barrier for international students. As well as it allows to cross borders and access education in variety of fields. Although, many people believe that international students need more than proficient vocabulary and grammar to be successful in a British university is acceptable, I think in reverse manner and agree to given statement. Different kinds of courses place differing language demands on. Government authorities in the UK seem to be under ever-greater pressure to regulate language proficiency levels to ensure that students entering the country have a reasonable chance of succeeding academics. My inclination is justified in the following paragraphs. Out of all the arguments the strongest one to prove my argument is they should have the listening skills to here fully in their lectures and students are writing on papers in their native language and changing them to English, Through some kind of google translator or similar program. As well as, student is even paying professional services to write their essays for them, and this is all due to a poor grasp of the English. This is to say a student does not have a proficient ability in English grammar and vocabulary, they will not be successful studying in a UK university. A good example for this is Language ability is possibly the most important challenge affecting international students in British higher education. Besides this, I mean lectures were deeply frustrated with the high proportion of language errors appearing in assignments submitted by international students. The other reason to prove my point is international students do not have the linguistic skills to understand comp lex academic texts, meaning they have been unable to achieve good results. Fraudulent tests could also be a problem. Many students were failing due to language, so they decided recently to re-test them upon arrival. Still a barrier to success for international students. The other reason to prove my point is students themselves reported difficulty in comprehending lectures to a combination of poor listening skills and lack of vocabulary. As well as, many international students are struggling linguistically. In addition, the fact to enter British university, in theory must have achieved a certain level of English and standardized tests. The importance of vocabulary is demonstrated daily in and out of the university. In classroom, the achieving students possess the most sufficient vocabulary. On the contrary, some people counter claim the mentioned support. In addition, many students are coached to pass these tests and therefore they are not a true indicator of a students language level. Many international students do not have the linguistic strength to truly achieve a university degree in the UK. In addition, the fact is language proficiency is at the core of writing but, academic writing involves more than an accurate knowledge of grammar. As well as , true problem for international student written assignments in UK universitys is not language related errors, it is their lack of familiarity with academic conventions. For example, such as how to correctly structure an essay, and therefore how to provide an academic argument. On the contrary, some people counter claim the mentioned support. The foremost argument is they do is for international students, reports, essay, and dissertations will have to be written in a style that is unfamiliar to them. Also, own language would not be acceptable for a British reader. Thus, to wrap up the discussion, it can be said that despite even though all international students in the study had been admitted to their degree courses on the basis that their level of English would be sufficient to be successful on the course, the correlation between their scores in the password knowledge test and their academic grade averages was positive or strong and there should be no pretenses that grammatical and lexical accuracy and inaccuracy are inconsequential of course there are good reasons to have relatively wide access to UK universities for international students and to ensure the barrier represented by English proficiency requirements is unnecessarily high. My reasons are logically acceptable. Bibliography Reference 1 https://journals.beds.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/jpd/article/view/314/495 Reference 2 Text 1 from reading and writing pamphlet UNIT 6.1 reading to writing TEXT 1 Reference 3 Text 2 from reading and writing pamphlet UNIT 6.1 reading to writing TEXT 2
Saturday, January 18, 2020
United States and Foreign Policy Statement
De Loom letter 5. Filipino revolutionary leader 6. Roosevelt received a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the peace treaty for this war 7. Act that established Puerco Rice as an incorporated territory of the LISA 8. Amendment to the USA war declaration against Spain that asserted Cuban independence after the war 9. Rebel insurgents who hoped to expel foreigners from China 13. Name of the voluntary Calvary unit credited with capturing San Juan Hill 16. City in which the Spanish-American War peace treaty was signed 18. U. S. Battleship that sank dramatically in Havana harbor in 1898 19. Renegade Mexican revolutionary hunted by the U. S. For 11 months 20. Nation that denied the U. S. Bid to constructs canal through the isthmus of Panama 22. Territory the William Seward arranged for the USA to purchase in 1867United States and Foreign Policy Statement By Rolls-Trace after Queen Ill surrendered her throne 1 1 . Policy initiated by Secretary Hay that called for free trade in China 12. Harb or in the Philippines that was captured by Commodore Dewey 14. Tabloid reporting that sensationalists the news in order to investments 17. Belief that it was America's divine right to control all the territory legitimated U. S. Intervention in Mexico 7. Act that established Puerco Rice as an incorporated territory of the USA 8. Hunted by the U. S. For 11 months 20. Nation that denied the U. S. Bid to construct a
Thursday, January 9, 2020
New Ideas Into Media Argumentative Essay Topics Never Before Revealed
New Ideas Into Media Argumentative Essay Topics Never Before Revealed The Basic Facts of Media Argumentative Essay Topics You understanding the way to do something i am pleased with sources. Preferably, it ought to be something that you're an expert in. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. The issue is that everybody's interpretation of what makes a great society differs. A superb argument demands the usage of logic and irrefutable evidence. Regardless of the topic that you're exploring in your argumentative essay, following principles of the structure ought to be maintained to have a decent level. When you are requested to select a great topic for your argument, start with something you're acquainted with. For instance, there isn't any way you are able to argue on this issue of whether humans walk on two legs because it is a known fact with no attached debate. The Secret to Media Argumentative Essay Topics Now, it's very tough to be aloof from all elements of mass media. Thus, the effect of mass media can't be overstated. Relevant Topics that are related to your society will engage the reader in the most effective possible method. 1 important and appropriate subject is technology. Here's What I Know About Media Argumentative Essay Topics Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't difficult to discover. So be certain that you decide on a subject, which has values in it. Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. You may use many examples that can be found on the web free of charge. The role of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. Therefore, many stu dents and employees decide to obtain low-cost essay rather than writing it themselves. Every student who would like to execute a great academic paper can use mentioned subjects and example argumentative essay to do an outstanding work. The True Meaning of Media Argumentative Essay Topics The cost of an essay is dependent upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to somebody else. It is not hard to view and find a lot of ideas online. It isn't hard to discover numerous terrific ideas online. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. Argumentative topics can be a number of the widest-reaching essay assignments on Earth. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Young writers may try simple on-line citation generators which are normally at no cost. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points that you could counter to your own points. If you're in a college and wish to compose an argumentative essay, you should select a subject of high importance. Therefore, you can ask all the essential questions and consult on some points. This information will be useful. When choosing an issue to argue, you have to settle on a topic that has more than 1 side. As soon as you have the topic, answer the question and support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. You can be totally sure your paper is going to be delivered in time and be of the maximum quality. Our writers are highly competent so you are able to place your order for any custom essay with no hesita tion. Our crew of essay writers works with any types of academic papers for many decades. The perfect way to be a prosperous student is to seek the services of an expert paper writer. Media Argumentative Essay Topics: the Ultimate Convenience! Therefore don't be concerned about writing homework and get our paper help whenever possible. Books should not be banned. Introduction Your introduction ought to be compelling. It is crucial to pick a great topic to be able to compose a good paper. In fact, academic papers can grow to be not merely an easy homework but in addition real argumentative masterpieces. To compose a strong argumentative essay, students should start by familiarizing themselves with a number of the common, and frequently conflicting, positions on the research topic so they can write an educated paper. You will be assigned a topic, or your professor will allow you to select your own. It's possible to go for an intriguing topic from any area of science. You' ll certainly lose the argument if nobody would like to read your essay. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you should first think about what you're likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. There are several steps which you should take as a way to compose an outstanding essay. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most essential issue to do is to select a topic and an argument you could really get behind. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. It is all about arguing and debating on a topic, which is debatable. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of academic writing. It does not include unsubstantiated opinions. Characteristics of Media Argumentative Essay Topics It is extremely easy to locate such a topic and also write this kind of essay as long as you adhere to a few standard rules. If you get to select your own topic, that's good. Therefore, the topic ought to be debatable! Your topic has to be clear and understandable. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you really like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is important for your general success.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
What Security Manager Can Do For Prevent White Collar Crime
3 Essay [Student?s Name] [Name of Institute] [Date] Essay What Security Manager can do to Prevent White-Collar Crime? Introduction The variety, breadth and complexity of the information systems acquire, required or available to the contemporary organizations today, along with the ever-changing dynamics observed in the information, communications and technology have led to the major changes in organizations, markets and broadly in society. Some of them are changes that in addition to its undeniable advantages have simultaneously brought threats, risks and spectra of uncertainty for individuals and organizations, on the stages of internet, intranet, technology development, information management and communication. One of the most serious negative manifestations is the emergence of new kinds of white-collar crimes. The advancement of computer technology and its influence on almost all areas of social and business life have emerged illicit behaviour called generically computer crimes, which have opened a wide range of risks and also study and research in disciplines legal and technical, but especially in those associated with security management. Hence, in order to explore possible solutions or ways of preventing white-collar crimes through security management, it?s highly important to understand the context and consequences of cybercrime and applicable regulations and security strategies, in contemporary business and social environment. The aim of this essay is toShow MoreRelated The Tragedy of White-Collar Crime Essay examples932 Words  | 4 Pageshedge fund manager and financial instrument such as credit default swaps are not words not known to everyday citizens. The economic downturn forced society to ask question not normally asked. The reality that there are criminal who has assessed too many people retirement and investment is a shocking and alarming to the non-professional investor. When someone is in a legitimate occupation and committing, an illegal act is a white-collar crime. â€Å"To be more concise white - collar crime is defineRead MoreWhite Collar Crime2498 Words  | 10 Pagesdefinition of white collar and white collar crime * Various types of white collar crime B. Thesis statement: There are 3 causes of white collar and 5 way to combat with white collar crime. II. The cause of white collar crime is opportunities to commit crime. A. The loophole of the law and security B. An individual well known the operation of a company, the chances to commit fraud is higher. III. Second causes of white collar crime are workersRead MoreThe International Organization Structure Of Organized And White Collar Crimes Essay2217 Words  | 9 Pagesfamiliar with crimes that deal with funding for terrorism or the violation of human rights in America. These crimes have increased in terms of size of groups, offenders, and activities over the past ten years. Organized and white collar crime are two of the most underrated crimes in the world. Why is this important to me is the question that most citizens will ask? A lot of individual aren’t aware of legislations or regulations created that apply to organized and white-collar crimes. This paperRead MoreWhite Collar Crimes Are Committed By Middle Of A Higher Status2070 Words  | 9 PagesWhite collar crimes are committed by middle of a higher status in any given occupation. These crimes often involves a validation of trust from a valued employee within a company. These crimes can include trade secr ets, fraud, money laundering, identity theft, and healthcare fraud. The people committing these crimes come from a higher class and you wouldn’t thinking someone is poor would commit a crime like this in nature. The media always bring to our attention since the 1990’s about the amount ofRead MoreLiterature Review on Fraud/White Collar Crime, Organizations, and Individuals1801 Words  | 8 PagesFraud and white-collar crime are common forms of crimes that people commit in various aspects and positions in the corporate world. Fraud and white-collar crimes have similar meaning as they refer to the non-violent crimes that people commit with the basic objective of gaining money using illegal means. The cases of white-collar crimes have been increasing exponentially in the 21st century due to the advent of technology because fraudsters apply technological tools in cheating, swindling, embezzlingRead MoreIdentity Theft Is Improving With Time1216 Words  | 5 Pagescommo n perception is that identity theft is a computer generation crime, which is increasing by the day. Truth is, identity theft dates back before the Internet, computers, the digital age at all. Mobsters may have brought it to an art form decades ago, and its title was quite literal derived. In that era, identity theft was not a financial white-collar crime of impersonation for purpose of embezzlement. Rather a physical crime wherein the criminal who stole identities murdered their victims.Read MoreMadoff4022 Words  | 17 Pagesalso provide some discussion around the issues concerning the SEC and how they handled this case as well as tips for individuals to be aware of to avoid these types of scams. In total, Madoff broke eleven different federal laws with this scheme: 1) Securities Fraud; 2) Investment advisor Fraud; 3) Mail fraud; 4) Wire fraud; 5) False statements; 6) Perjury; 7) False filing with the SEC; 8) Theft from an employee benefit plan; 9) Three counts of internatio nal money laundering. Madoff pled guilty to allRead Moreadvantage and disadvantage of CCTV2047 Words  | 9 Pagesrecordings for surveillance purposes. CCTV can be either video cameras, or digital stills cameras. Video cameras are either analogue or digital, which means that they work on the basis of sending analogue or digital signals to a storage device such as a video tape recorder or desktop computer or laptop computer wherelse digital stills cameras can take excellent pictures in most situations and can be plugged into the USB port of any computer and pictures can be taken of any camera scene. The name ofRead More Identity Theft Essay2149 Words  | 9 PagesIdentity Theft Law enforcement officials have stated that identity theft crime has been one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. Identity theft is also one of the fastest growing white collar crimes. This is a serious crime. Identity theft is the act of knowingly transferring or using without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of federal law, or that constitutesRead MoreSarbanes Oxley And The Oxley Act1358 Words  | 6 Pagesthem in hopes to prevent these scandals from happening. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, also referred to as SOX or Sarbanes-Oxley, was created by Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley and was signed into law by President George W. Bush on July 30, 2002. The creation and passing of the act was so tremendous that â€Å"in the opinion of most observers of securities legislation†Sarbanes-Oxley was â€Å"viewed as the most i mportant new law enacted since the passage of the Securities and Exchange Act
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